Floor Drying

Floor Drying

Floor Drying

Floor drying in buildings under construction, homes, workplaces or warehouses is the process of drying floors that have become wet due to renovation, natural disasters or natural conditions regardless of weather conditions. Drying at home with our own means is not professional drying, it is ventilation and unfortunately it is not a floor drying process. The same applies to construction floor drying. The scope of floor drying is quite wide. Floor renewal work, preparation for flooring in buildings under construction, floor renovation after floods and water damage and floor drying support for wetness due to any reason in the floor should get floor drying support.

Does Floor Ventilation Replace Floor Drying?

In cases such as flood or inundation, flooring operations, water leakage after renovations, what is generally done is to ventilate the floor. Ventilation and exposure of the house or structure to sunlight are, of course, necessary and beneficial for both the structure and human health. However, ventilating the floor and completely drying the floor are two different things.

- Season is important for the ventilation process to work. In humidity-free climates, summer is the best season for ventilation. However, no matter how high the temperature is, it will not be enough to completely dry the floor. Because moisture must leave the environment by circulation. This is not possible with ventilation. Floor drying provides a fast drying regardless of the season.

- Ventilation affects the whole structure. Floor drying is a special treatment only for the floor. It dries the entire floor in a controlled manner, regardless of the facade and the position of the sun. - It takes weeks to air dry the floor. During this time, all windows and doors must remain open so that the moisture can circulate. This is not possible due to safety reasons and dusting / contamination of the environment. Floor drying is a process that takes a few days at most.

- Ventilation does not remove mold and musty smells caused by dampness. Ventilation and sunlight in the house help to prevent mold growth. Drying the floor ensures that the moisture is completely removed.

Therefore, ventilating the floor and drying the floor with professional devices and equipment are two different concepts. The two are not substitutes for each other.


When is Floor Drying Necessary?

Floor drying is generally necessary when situations that increase the humidity of the house and cause mold occur. Floor drying can be done before and after situations such as natural disasters, leaks, malfunctions in the installation after renovation, construction, flooring.


What is Epoxy Floor Drying?

Epoxy is a chemical resin. It is used to make floor covering, table and decoration products. Epoxy is a lifetime floor covering when done correctly. It is waterproof, scratch-proof, does not break and does not dislocate because it is a single flooring. However, epoxy needs a good drying to have these properties. Both the floor must be dry before epoxy application and the epoxy must be dried very well. Epoxy drying and floor drying take place as two separate processes. First, the area where the epoxy will be applied is dried so that the epoxy holds well. Then the humidity in the room is balanced and epoxy drying takes place. Epoxy is a valuable coating that adheres to the floor, so drying cannot be done with ventilation. Professional floor drying is recommended.


What is Parquet Floor Drying?

Parquet floors are divided into laminated or laminate. In both, direct wood or materials made of wood are used. Moisture or wetness on the floor causes the parquet to come off. Therefore, moisture control on wooden floors is very important. It is necessary to dry the parquet floor in two cases:

- During the laying of the parquet

- If the parquet becomes damp during the repair process

For wooden floors to last longer, it is necessary to dry the floor before and after parquet installation. Unfortunately, parquet floors do not show their wetness without blistering. For this reason, the floor must be dried before the parquet floor is installed. Another reason for parquet floor drying is if the floor becomes damp and wet for any reason. Floods, water damage due to plumbing problems or liquids spilled on the floor cause moisture in parquet floors and the structure underneath. This dampness can cause mold growth. In this case, parquet floor drying process must be done and the problematic area must be repaired.



What is Construction Floor Drying?

Construction floor drying ensures the quick and healthy drying of concrete during the construction phase of the building. Concrete drying without construction floor drying process can cause the following problems:

- Parquet laid while the concrete is damp swells and dislodges.

- Tiles laid on a damp floor will fall.

- Damp concrete invites mold. Mold under the tiled floor disrupts the humidity level of the environment. This leads to the growth of mold and bacteria. The natural consequence is an unhealthy air flow.

Drying the construction floor in sunlight also causes not all parts of the floor to dry equally. Depending on the sunny side of the floor, one side may dry completely, while the part that does not receive sun or receives little sun remains damp. In this case:

- One part of the floor will be damp enough for mold to form.

- The floor does not hold paint.

- The heat balance in the environment cannot be maintained, the house will be colder than it should be in winter.

- If the concrete does not dry, it will crack and rainwater will seep through these cracks.

- A condition called sweating occurs in the building. Buildings with sweating and moisture problems are not earthquake resistant.

All these situations can be prevented in a few days with the construction floor drying process. Once the full floor drying is done by a professional team, it is effective for years unless there is a natural disaster or an extraordinary situation.

Why is Floor Drying Important?

The main reason for floor drying is human health. Because when the floor is not dried correctly, the following problems arise:

- Moist floor cracks

- Any flooring, be it tiles, parquet or epoxy, is not healthy on a damp floor.

- Mold is the most important result of moisture. Problems caused by mold adversely affect human and animal health.

Molds caused by damp floors make the air toxic. Here are the health problems caused by too humid an environment:

- Humidity triggers asthma attacks

- Dampness negatively affects lung development in infants

- Upper respiratory tract infections are more common in children growing up in a humid environment than in children growing up in a non-humid environment.

- Just like babies, lung development in children is badly affected by damp environments.

- Sleep quality decreases in damp homes, whether children or adults.

- If the damp place is a warehouse, the products in the warehouse become moldy. The corners of the boxes get wet, papers and paper products become unusable.

- Dampness negatively affects the air conditioning of the house. Even if there is sheathing in the house, it is not possible to heat the humid environment.


With floor drying done by professionals:

  • - Moisture and moisture-induced might, fungus, bacteria do not occur.

    - There are no cracks in the floor.

    - There is no dislocation due to moisture in the floor covering.

    - Rotting of the floor due to moisture is prevented.

    - There is no musty smell in the house.

    Floor drying is carried out by a professional team. First, the humidity in the environment is measured. The measured humidity is relative humidity. The relative humidity that should be in the environment for living life should not exceed 50%. The square meter of the floor to be dried is measured. The floor drying device is selected according to the square meter. Then the floor drying process is started. The floor is dehumidified with a high-tech floor dryer.

    If the humidity inside your walls is high, the moisture inside the wall mixes with the humidity in the environment with the temperature and the relative humidity rises. This causes mold growth. Mold fungi appear in places with high humidity problems and multiply rapidly. If you do not prevent the mold problem, a musty smell will develop over time and the quality of the air you breathe will deteriorate. We eliminate the problems that cause mold formation on your walls and in the environment. If there is an environment where mold fungi can grow in the environment where you live, the reason why mold occurs again in the same place when you wipe and clean it is the presence of spore cells in the air.

    You cannot get rid of mold until you correct the problems that cause it to grow in the environment. Applications such as painting, insulation and mounting do not destroy mold fungi. Because mold is a type of fungus that is a living organism. You cannot reach a definitive solution without preventing the reproduction of this organism. We solve this problem with a 2-step procedure. The drying process we do in the first step takes 7 days and prevents the mold from growing. In the next step, we kill the existing mold fungi in the air with the ozone cleaning process and clean the environment completely and purify it from odors. From that moment on, all mold fungi are killed and cleaned and new ones do not have the opportunity to reproduce. This is the preferred method in Germany and other European countries. By drying the concrete and disinfecting the environment with ozone, there is no environment for mold to reproduce and all microorganisms in the environment die and disappear.

    We provide services for the solution of moisture, dampness, mold and bad odor problems in homes, workplaces, warehouses, factories, factories, hotels and construction sites, regardless of whether they are more or less. Our company mainly serves in construction / industrial areas and supports you by providing solutions for moisture, dampness, mold and odor problems experienced in homes and workplaces. We are in Güngören on the European Side and Ataşehir on the Anatolian Side. We regularly provide services in the Kocaeli, Tekirdağ, Bursa and Sakarya cities. We offer services starting from ₺8,000 for the problems you experience in your homes... Mold is the disease of your structure, protect from mold for the health of your household. Please fill out the contact form below to get answers to your requests and questions about our services. Our consultancy service is completely free of charge.

Ev-İşyeri-Depo-Fabrika-Otel-İnşaat ve Şantiyelerdeki Nem-Rutubet-Küf ve Koku problemlerinin çözümü için hizmet vermekteyiz. Firmamız ağırlıklı olarak İnşaat/Endüstriyel alanlarda hizmet vermekte olup; ev ve işyerlerinde yaşanan nem, rutubet, küf ve koku problemlerinde sizlere çözüm noktasında destek vermektedir. Avrupa Yakası: Güngören'de, Anadolu Yakası: Ataşehir'deyiz. Kocaeli / Tekirdağ / Bursa / Sakarya bölgelerine düzenli hizmet veriyoruz. Küf yapınızın hastalığıdır, sizin ve ev halkının sağlığı için küften korunun. Hizmetlerimiz hakkında Keşif-Talep-Sorularınızı cevaplamak için aşağıdaki iletişim formunu doldurmanızı rica ederiz. Danışmanlık hizmetimiz tamamen ücretsizdir.


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