Moisture Removal

Moisture Removal

Moisture Removal

Moisture removal is reducing the relative humidity in the room to the most suitable level for human health. Relative humidity is also known as dampness. Dampness can occur in places such as homes, workplaces or warehouses, in short, in all closed spaces.

Unfortunately, dampness alone is a major enough problem, but it also brings mold with it. Where there is dampness, there will be mold and mold odor. In the simplest terms, as a result of the relative humidity in the room rising above a certain level, sufficient living space is provided for moisture and mold. So why and how does the humidity in the room increase? What are the effects of mold on human health? What are the harms of humidity for children and the elderly?

Why does humidity increase?

Increased humidity (dampness) in indoor environments occurs in environments such as rooms, warehouses, ground floors. There are various reasons for its occurrence, ranging from water leakage to mistakes made while the building was under construction. We can list these reasons as follows:

- Failure to dry the moisture during construction: Incomplete drying of the plaster during construction, the use of materials that are not suitable for climatic conditions, and poor quality paint will cause dampness no matter which floor your house is on. What should be done is to get a good moisture drying service after construction.

- Water leaks: Water leaks cause dampness regardless of the floor of the house. Water leaks on the ground floor, which does not receive air, cause dampness in a shorter time. In houses, sometimes renovations cause water leaks, while in some cases rainwater leaking from the plaster causes leakage. Your home may be affected by the plumbing renovation on your upper floor in the apartment building. In short, there may be water leakage after any plumbing-related renovation in homes. Water seeping into the walls also causes dampness.

- Floods and flooding: Unfortunately, simply draining the water is not a solution for homes and businesses affected by floods and flooding. Floodwater is not only unclean but also stays in the house for more than a few hours. This is enough for the water to penetrate the walls. For this reason, moisture drying should be done professionally in houses affected by floods.

- House insulation problems: House insulation made with poor quality materials causes rain and snow water to leak into the house. Water leaking between the insulation material negatively affects both the insulation and the humidity level of the house.

- House facade: Humidity is an important problem in houses that do not receive sunlight. This can be a serious problem, especially during the winter months. Regular moisture drying and constant ventilation of the house can solve this problem.

- Climate conditions: Humidity is inevitable in homes and workplaces that receive constant rainfall. It is essential to build houses using materials suitable for climatic conditions and to constantly control the humidity in the room.

- Stuffiness: Stuffiness is the most important reason for the formation of moisture and mold. For this reason, humidity occurs mostly in warehouses.

- Periodic problems: Moisture can sometimes be episodic. It is temporarily effective. Problems such as high rainfall in a season, flooding and water flooding can cause dampness. This problem is solved in a short time with the moisture drying process.

What are the harms of excessive humidity in the room?

Increased humidity in indoor environments causes breathing difficulties and triggers lung diseases. It can cause crises for those with chronic diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. So how much humidity should be? Why is humidity so harmful?

The humidity in the room is called relative humidity. Relative humidity is simply the ratio of water vapor in the air. The ideal relative humidity in indoor environments, i.e. in the rooms of houses, should not exceed 50%. However, just as high humidity is harmful, humidity below 50% is at least as harmful as high humidity. Therefore, relative humidity should be kept in balance.

Excessive relative humidity is colloquially defined as "dampness". Humidity has negative effects on human health, especially on children. Harm of relative humidity in infants and children:

- In the case of newborns, humidity negatively affects lung development.

- Sleeping in a humid environment increases the risk of babies suffering from lung diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.

- According to a study conducted by the "The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)", children between the ages of 8 and 12 are more likely to suffer from cough, phlegm, runny nose and eczema when exposed to dampness than those who are not.

In short, the answer to the question "how dampness affects children" is not very encouraging. The same is true for the elderly. In the elderly, dampness causes the following health problems:

- Dampness causes respiratory diseases in the elderly as in infants and children.

- Exposure to dampness in the elderly causes upper respiratory tract diseases such as cough, eczema and runny nose.

- Dampness is the most important cause of sleep problems in the elderly. A humid environment means that sleep quality is adversely affected, regardless of whether it is an elderly person, a baby or a child.

- Humid environment is the most important reason for the increase in rheumatism and joint pain. When exposed to humidity in rainy weather, joint and rheumatic pain causes serious problems for the elderly.

How to Reduce Humidity in a Room?

The answer to this question is related to the level of humidity and the humidity environment. In environments such as airless warehouses and ground floors, dampness that is advanced enough to form mold is more than a problem that can be prevented by ventilating the area. In this case, professional moisture drying service is required.

Dampness caused by flooding and flooding also invites germs. Muddy water and other objects that come with the flood damage the house. Moisture penetrating the walls not only causes mold and deteriorates human health, but also causes the house to rot from the inside. Therefore, moisture removal must definitely be carried out after water flooding.

Periodic humidity should be kept under control. Dehumidification service for the home solves this problem in a few hours. When the problems that cause humidity are eliminated, this problem will not recur again.

Dehumidification should be carried out regularly in warehouses where food is stored. In addition, after construction and painting, it will be sufficient if moisture drying is done once.

How is Moisture Drying Process Performed?

Dehumidification is the removal of dampness in homes, workplaces and storage areas with professional devices. Unfortunately, dampness is not a problem that can be eliminated without professional intervention or that will disappear on its own.

- Before the moisture drying process begins, a professional moisture meter / hygrometer is used to measure the level of the problem.

- Dehumidification is simply the process of condensing the moisture in the environment with professional devices and removing it from the environment in liquid form. Depending on the level of humidity, cooling and drying can be done together.

- People can continue their daily lives shortly after the moisture drying process.

- After the moisture drying process, if the conditions that cause the formation of dampness have been eliminated, dampness will not occur again.

In some cases, we are not aware of the presence of moisture, but our body reacts to moisture. If the environment is not warm, especially in winter and at night, if your sleep quality is poor, if colds and flu last longer, there may be moisture in your home or environment. Where there is moisture, wallpaper or paint starts to peel. Therefore, if there is dampness in your home or environment, you should seek professional support.

If the humidity inside your walls is high, the moisture inside the wall mixes with the humidity of the environment and increases the temperature. This will cause mold growth. Mold fungi appear in places with moisture problems and multiply rapidly. If you do not correct the mold problem, mold odor will also occur over time and the quality of the air you breathe will deteriorate. We eliminate the problem that will cause mold formation on your walls and in the environment. If there is an environment where mold fungi can grow in the environment where you live, it is not enough to just wipe them with a cloth and clean them. The mold in the air creates mold on the walls again.

You cannot get rid of this situation until you correct the mold problem in the environment. Applications such as painting, insulation and mounting have no positive effect on the elimination of mold fungi. Because mold is a type of fungus. You can never achieve a solution without destroying the existence of a living microorganism and the environment in which it can reproduce. With our service, we solve this problem with 2 different processes. First, the moisture drying process we do takes 7 days and we destroy the environment where mold can form. In the second step, we kill the mold fungi in the air with the ozone purification process we do in the second step, we completely clean your environment and purify it from odors. Not only do we eliminate the environment in which molds can grow, but because we kill the existing molds, the problem is completely solved. This is a very popular procedure in Germany and throughout Europe. By drying the concrete and disinfecting the environment with ozone, we destroy the environment where mold can grow and ensure that all microorganisms in the environment die.

We provide services for the solution of moisture, dampness, mold and bad odor problems in homes, workplaces, warehouses, factories, factories, hotels and construction sites, regardless of whether they are more or less. Our company mainly serves in construction / industrial areas and supports you by providing solutions for moisture, dampness, mold and odor problems experienced in homes and workplaces. We are in Güngören on the European Side and Ataşehir on the Anatolian Side. We regularly provide services in the Kocaeli, Tekirdağ, Bursa and Sakarya cities. We offer services starting from ₺8,000 for the problems you experience in your homes... Mold is the disease of your structure, protect from mold for the health of your household. Please fill out the contact form below to get answers to your requests and questions about our services. Our consultancy service is completely free of charge.

Ev-İşyeri-Depo-Fabrika-Otel-İnşaat ve Şantiyelerdeki Nem-Rutubet-Küf ve Koku problemlerinin çözümü için hizmet vermekteyiz. Firmamız ağırlıklı olarak İnşaat/Endüstriyel alanlarda hizmet vermekte olup; ev ve işyerlerinde yaşanan nem, rutubet, küf ve koku problemlerinde sizlere çözüm noktasında destek vermektedir. Avrupa Yakası: Güngören'de, Anadolu Yakası: Ataşehir'deyiz. Kocaeli / Tekirdağ / Bursa / Sakarya bölgelerine düzenli hizmet veriyoruz. Küf yapınızın hastalığıdır, sizin ve ev halkının sağlığı için küften korunun. Hizmetlerimiz hakkında Keşif-Talep-Sorularınızı cevaplamak için aşağıdaki iletişim formunu doldurmanızı rica ederiz. Danışmanlık hizmetimiz tamamen ücretsizdir.


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