Ozone Cleaning

Ozone Cleaning

Ozone Cleaning

It is only possible to eliminate bad odors in homes in a way that will not be repeated again with ozone disinfection. So what is ozone? Ozone is a gas. Ozone gas consists of three oxygen atoms. It is colorless. Ozone gas is found in the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere. The function of the gas is to block ultraviolet rays from the sun, which are harmful to living health.

What is Ozone? How to Clean Home & Workplace & Warehouse with Ozone?

Ozone is an unstable gas, meaning it is in constant change. This gives it the ability to oxidize, that is, kill germs and bacteria. Ozone is the only and most effective oxidation that does not harm living health in nature. Thanks to this disinfection feature, it is used in disinfection processes.

The reasons why ozone gas is used for disinfection are as follows:

- There is no problem for living things to breathe ozone. Therefore, cleaning with ozone does not harm human health.

- It is 3125 times more effective disinfectant than chlorine, which is currently one of the best disinfectants.

- Ozone breaks down into oxygen after completing its disinfection task. In this way, it leaves no residue in the applied environment.

- Since it is not harmful like other disinfectants, it can be used in food cleaning. Many restaurants and cafes that already do their job well disinfect fruits and vegetables with ozone water. Ozone food cleaning is common in the food industry.

- Ozone gas has deodorizing properties. Odors removed with ozone do not recur when the source is destroyed.

In addition to those mentioned above, there are benefits of using ozone in homes:

- It is an odorless disinfection for those suffering from upper respiratory tract diseases such as asthma and pharyngitis.

- It does not cause any health problems in the elderly or children.

- It is an ecological disinfection method. It leaves no residue in water and soil like bad chemicals that harm the environment.

- The ozone environment can be continued to be used immediately after disinfection. Daily life is not interrupted due to disinfection.

How to Remove Odor with Ozone?

Odor removal with ozone is carried out by a professional team. First of all, it must be determined why cleaning with ozone is needed. The reason for this is to eliminate the source so that the smell does not recur after cleaning with ozone. For example, if disinfectant is to be provided with ozone gas for mold, the mold must first be dried and the mold area must be cleaned. If there has been a flood or inundation, odor removal with ozone should be carried out along with moisture drying. Ozone disinfection device is brought to the application area. Measurements are made for the operating time and performance of the device. The device is turned on and air flow to the application area is cut off for a while.


Ozone Use as an Industrial Deodorizer

Odor elimination in industrial kitchens is important for both the quality of the business and customer satisfaction. In industrial kitchens, accidents and procedures that cause odor such as work accidents, burning of food, smoking are common. In this case, ozone disinfection application is essential for the quality of the food, the customers not to be disturbed by the odor and most importantly, to create a sterile working environment.

The reasons for the preference of cleaning with ozone gas in industrial kitchens are as follows:

- Ozone gas is suitable for contact with food.

- Ozone gas leaves no residue on kitchen appliances.

- Ozone does not cause rust and does not leave a residue behind that may cause rust in the future. In this way, it does not cause any damage to kitchen tools such as knives and vegetable scissors.

- The kitchen becomes usable again immediately after ozone cleaning.

How to eliminate the smell of dampness?

Dampness occurs when the relative humidity in the environment exceeds 50% and this situation continues continuously. In order to balance the relative humidity in the environment, there must be air circulation in the environment and the environment must get sun to dry the moisture. If these conditions are not met, mold develops. Mold, might and fungi that come with moisture are the cause of the smell of dampness. So how does ozone gas destroy mold? This is explained by the fact that ozone gas is composed of oxygen. Ozone reduces mold spores that hang in the air and cause odor. In this way, it both cleans the air and dries the mold from the root.


Is it possible to remove bad odors in kitchens with ozone?

Regardless of whether it is at home or in industry, kitchens cause odor by nature. Burning food forgotten on the stove, cooking more than one dish at the same time, oily dishes such as frying cause odor. All cooking and frying in the kitchen causes bad odors, either temporarily or permanently. Unfortunately, most of these odors penetrate not only the curtains but also the walls. Therefore, even if whitewash & paint is done, the odor remains. Ozone gas is a disinfection process, not a cleaning tool. Thanks to ozone gas, you can completely eliminate both frying odors on the wall and burning odors on the ceiling within a few hours. During this process, you do not need to carry your kitchen utensils as in the classical chlorination procedure. Because ozone gas is the only and most powerful disinfectant that leaves no residue and has no known harm to human and animal health.

Can odor removal be done with ozone after flood and water damage?

Floods do not only mean the flooding of homes, workplaces or warehouses from external water. Floods also carry along every microbe, mud and microorganism along its path. Therefore, the flooded environment also harbors disease-causing germs and microorganisms. The flooded environment requires both moisture drying and ozone cleaning. Moisture drying ensures that the walls affected by water and moistened walls dry in a healthy way. Ozone, on the other hand, cleans the harmful microorganisms that come with the flood and destroys the environment that will cause mold and fungus formation in the future.


Ozonla İşyerlerinde Yangın Sonrası Koku Giderme Nasıl Yapılır?

The odor caused by fire does not pass only by getting rid of the items exposed to fire. Because no matter how long the fire lasts, the smell of burning permeates the walls and ceiling. Especially in kitchens, both oil odor and soot odor occur as a result of oil burning. Ozone is the most effective disinfectant in deodorizing. Ozone gas adheres to the molecules that cause bad odors and destroys them without the need to use perfume etc. No matter how big the fire is, after a correct ozone cleaning, there will be no trace of fire odor in the environment.


How to Ensure Hygiene in Hotel Rooms with Ozone?

In cleaning hotel rooms, hotel employees are generally not given a wide working time. Depending on the density of the hotel, the cleaning time of the hotel room is usually limited to a few hours. Therefore, rooms are usually cleaned quickly but cannot be completely disinfected. Ozone gas prevents the formation of might, fungi, mold and bacteria in hotel rooms within a few hours and cleans the air. It destroys the germs remaining on the furniture without the need to rub or wipe with harmful inorganic chemicals. Therefore, in a very, very short time, it prepares the hotel room for its new guests in a completely hygienic way.

How to Clean Mold with Ozone?

Disinfection of mold, might, fungi and bacteria with ozone is done in a very short time and as a definitive solution. The most important reason for this is the structure of mold and ozone gas. Mold is a type of fungus and reproduces with spores. Spores hang in the air and look for a moist area where they can grow. In any case, mold grows by concentrating in one spot and spreading around it.

Many times you have witnessed mold growing again underneath or very close to the paint applied to a moldy wall. Spores are the reason why mold cannot be eliminated by wiping, whitewashing and painting. No matter how much you intervene with established mold, while you are trying to destroy them, the molds release their spores and stick to another area. Therefore, you can never eradicate mold with these classical methods.

Ozone is a gas consisting of three oxygens. Ozone gas remaining in the air adheres to the fungal spores scattered in the air and oxidizes them. In this way, the chance for mold to escape is eliminated.

You can contact our professional team for disinfection with ozone gas, you can get rid of bad odors and microorganisms harmful to human health such as mold in a very short time.

We provide services for the solution of moisture, dampness, mold and bad odor problems in homes, workplaces, warehouses, factories, factories, hotels and construction sites, regardless of whether they are more or less. Our company mainly serves in construction / industrial areas and supports you by providing solutions for moisture, dampness, mold and odor problems experienced in homes and workplaces. We are in Güngören on the European Side and Ataşehir on the Anatolian Side. We regularly provide services in the Kocaeli, Tekirdağ, Bursa and Sakarya cities. We offer services starting from ₺8,000 for the problems you experience in your homes... Mold is the disease of your structure, protect from mold for the health of your household. Please fill out the contact form below to get answers to your requests and questions about our services. Our consultancy service is completely free of charge.

Ev-İşyeri-Depo-Fabrika-Otel-İnşaat ve Şantiyelerdeki Nem-Rutubet-Küf ve Koku problemlerinin çözümü için hizmet vermekteyiz. Firmamız ağırlıklı olarak İnşaat/Endüstriyel alanlarda hizmet vermekte olup; ev ve işyerlerinde yaşanan nem, rutubet, küf ve koku problemlerinde sizlere çözüm noktasında destek vermektedir. Avrupa Yakası: Güngören'de, Anadolu Yakası: Ataşehir'deyiz. Kocaeli / Tekirdağ / Bursa / Sakarya bölgelerine düzenli hizmet veriyoruz. Küf yapınızın hastalığıdır, sizin ve ev halkının sağlığı için küften korunun. Hizmetlerimiz hakkında Keşif-Talep-Sorularınızı cevaplamak için aşağıdaki iletişim formunu doldurmanızı rica ederiz. Danışmanlık hizmetimiz tamamen ücretsizdir.


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